domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017


Comparto con vosotras algunas notas que voy tomando en el cole, la experiencia está siendo genial.


Skimming and scanning
They read a chapter of a book last lesson and today they practice skimming and scanning with the same text. The teacher tells them a word and asks them to find it in the text and then asks questions about the word: meaning, examples, synonyms, antonyms, sounds, to use it on a sentence… etc
Deduce and infer. Show what you know.
E- Explain what the word redundant means on p.5.
They read the sentence and by the general context they try to guess what redundant means.
They gave examples from the real life. Ej. My mom got redundant last month.
R-what did the dad do when he was home from work on p.5?
I-How do you know that the family are sad on page 5?
Terrible silence, stopped going sailing.
C-Why has the writer used the word creeping to describe the misery in the house on page 5?
She asks them a lot of questions to make them reflect and deeply think about what they are reading and its meaning.
*If they talk while others are talking she tells them: “Peter and Charlie, this is your warning”


WRITING. 10.15-11.15
They choose a character from the book and she gives them 2 minutes to write in pairs as many adjectives to describe this character as they can write on their whiteboards.
*When the time is up: Pens down!
She then writes some of the words from each group on the board for all to see and add to their bank of words.
Roll of three
She gives them 3 words and they need to use them in a sentence.
Astonishing, astounding, unique àto avoid amazing (EYE POPPING)
After a couple min they can share their sentences. If they want they can stand on their chairs while sharing.
She encourages them to write another sentence using any three adjectives from the board that go well together.
Objective: To write longer sentences and use more adjectives.
Ej. Geenor tin mine is a unique, astounding and astonishing mine to visit if you want to learn about gems.
She gives students a lot of time to share among themselves. Then writes some examples on the board.
(Last week they visited a mine and their future writing task is going to be writing a page of a guidebook talking about this mine and their experience in it)
She dives them an article and they highlight the words that they think that they may want to use after in their writing pieces.
Adding adverbs that modify: very, rather, often, more, almost.
Make a sentence about the mine using one of these adverbs.
She then asks for volunteers to read their sentences out loud.
She teaches them how to start a guidebook entry. Gives them good and bad examples.


They start writing their guide book entry writing piece. Classroom gets quiet and classical music (Mozart) is on.
*I can see people looking at the example we wrote together on the board to help them. That is perfect, you can use those to guide you.
They keep looking back at the plan they did last lesson and improving it with what they learned today.
Sometimes she just reads out loud some of their sentences so they notice errors they may have.
(There are lots of adults (5) in the classroom today, teacher, teacher assistants and me)
Some TA’s are attached to students, others work with the classroom as a whole and others even teach some parts of the lessons.

-Green highlighter: Something they’ve done really good in their writing pieces.
-Green pen: Positive comments on their writing piece.
-Pink pen: (Think!) Things they need to improve.

*Wake and shake: Little dances to change subjects after intense writing activity so their brains wake up J
*When they do something bad/good students themselves move their name up/down the behavior chart.

  1. What do we know about it?
  2. New content presentation
*Every now and then she stops and tells them what she had just explained with a partner/in their groups.
Tell the person next to you why so and so was important
Tell your partner what you think about…
This talking time helps them reflect about what they are learning and also stops them from talking during the explanation.
*To get attention: Teacher: Piece of cheese! Students: Everybody freeze.
*Effective use of table monitors.
Last 15 minutes before going home she reads a book to them. (Charlie and giant peach)

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017.
-First thing in the morning they were drawing and coloring their very own jewelry piece imitating the Anglo Saxon jewelry.
-When time is up for their jewelry designing, they start a reading aloud session. Teacher starts and then they take turns to read.
-They are talking about finding out what a word means by context. So he gives them a list of words (voyage, vividly, haul, luxury, adamant, conspiracy, idle, winching) with the pages of the book where they can find them, so they need to look for the word, find it in the book, read the context and then they need to match them with the definitions in their pairs or groups.
-Once they are done they correct it in big group. They glue it in their notebooks and they get a picture taken to glue it in their notebooks too.
-Teacher gives them 1 minute to tidy up and they really leave the class tidy as if the entire cutting hasn’t happened.
*To get ready: 1 click (chascan los dedos), 2 clicks, 3 clicks. Teacher does it, children repeat and then remain silent.
Before the 1st break on the morning they all seat in the carpet and he briefs them on what they will do after coming back from their break.


-I get to do a presentation about me and they ask me loads of questions. J
-After my presentations they are divided into 7 different stations (Punctuation, Spelling, Vocabulary improving, Does it make sense, Missing or repeated words, Peer review and Sentence openers).  Teacher chooses an “expert” for each of the stations and then their mates on that station. They will rotate the notebooks and themselves from one station to another every 5/10 minutes until all the pieces of writing from everyone are marked.
-Teacher presents a number line divided into different fractions. Some of them are already written and others are not so the children need to try and write in their whiteboards the missing fractions. Sometimes the teacher gives them the option of writing the numbers in their fraction form or in a decimal form.
-For the kids to show him the board in a discreet way and without putting it above their heads the teacher tells them: “Show me on your tummy” So they put the board at the tummy level and they don’t bother no one with their boards.
-Other way to show an answer in a discreet way the teacher uses is telling them to show them thumbs up if they agree or thumbs down if they don’t.
-After the explanation in the carpet they go back to their seats and open the math notebook. They look at the hints the teacher left there for them and they make corrections. Teacher passes by the tables helping students out.

Saludos compis one2one!

Por Maria Josefa Gonzalez Roces, profesora del CEIP Moreno Espinosa , Cebreros, Avila.